How Choose a Car That Is Guaranteed To Attract Ladies

Since almost as far back as the time when the first automobiles were invented in America, cars have always been associated with men and manliness. Even though the number of women who truly love their cars may have risen over the years, men can still generally be said to be much more enthusiastic than their female counterparts when it comes to cars and topics that are related to them. Now here is the real twist- even though women may not be generally as interested in cars as men are, they are very interested in knowing the kind of car that a man does.

If you have ever been to a club where there were ladies outside then you must have noticed that they will generally judge the men based on the kind of cars that they arrive in. yes, in case you did not know, the kind of car that you drive will speak volumes about the kind of person that you are, the kinds of things that you love and even the kind of job that you do. Now, knowing and having that piece of information in mind, how can you use it to make sure that you choose a car which will attract all the ladies?

It is a known fact that unlike poles attracts and like poles repel. Women are feminine in nature and, using the analogy given above, will therefore be attracted to things that are masculine about their men. So although the women may be comfortable driving around in a pink convertible, they would probably not think much of a man who shows up doing the same thing as it is considered feminine even if the car was brand new. Then imagine how some other women would react to a guy who shows up with a used Dodge Challenger in Phoenix. Even though the latter car may not be brand new, it is a car that is built for power and that is the impression that it immediately gives to anyone that sees it. Just raw, muscular power making you look like the absolute man. And, as we said, women will always go for the masculine men and having a car like this one is definitely a plus when balancing the books.

If you are not comfortable with the idea of packing too much power into a single car then the best option is to substitute it with style and sophistication. Classic cars are usually able to do the trick well enough although you have to remember the fact that they will probably cost you a few more bucks to buy.